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Medical Advisor


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1. Personal Information

Data collected by MyPOPI shall be used for the following purposes:

1) Personal data will be used by MyPOPI for information and material sharing (including newsletter, material…) developed for its members and interested stakeholders. Third parties may have access to this data only for mail out purposes.

2) Medical data will only be used and accessed by MyPOPI for data collection, analysis of its membership to improve the representation done by MyPOPI for patients with primary immunodeficiencies (PID) in Malaysia. Individual data will not be disclosed at any time. Data gathered through this system would only be displayed in an anonymised and aggregated form.
Insert you full name as per IC/Mykad

2. Address and Location

3. Registration type

4. Payment

Please insert reference (with hashtag) when making payment :

1) #Daftar2023reg- for registration fee
2) #Daftar2023annual- for annual fee
3) #LifetimeMYPOPI - for lifetime member in MYPOPI
New Member Register
Subscription Type
Kindly Choose to pay per annual RM1.00
per life time RM10.00
RM 0.00
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